Cosmic Legends of the East
Stepan Stulginsky
Traveller, the friend!
You begin to discover the paths to Cosmos, to the Infinity.
You are going to come into spaciousness of Cosmic distances.
Maybe you will try to master cosmic heights.
All of that is destined for you and you will be faced with that.
Let's recall the precepts of the ancient ones:
having prepared for a long journey let's sit in silence.
Before stepping into the great future let's recall our past and comprehend the present.
Let's think together about those things which were spoken about by the wisdom of
nations on the language of the legends.
May be this knowledge will be useful on the Path.
Ancient Legends
Created by the Wisdom of the Great Souls through Innumerable Epochs.
The knowledge about Cosmos is slowly accumulated by humanity. Through many centuries man discovers the laws of nature, the cosmic laws.
Even when a man did not yet know anything about these laws, they had been existing. And now there are laws which are not discovered yet. The things that we already know are our knowledge.
The things that we do not know yet are the mystery for us. But what is still a mystery for us is the knowledge for somebody else. There are Beings who know more than us. And to know something means to think about it.
Thus the thoughts are created and they independently live in the space. The space is filled with the images of Truth. People call them the ideas. The invaluable treasures of the spirit soar high in the space.
Only few people will understand the miraculous significance of a living spatial thought. But each Spatial thought can be man's possession. The sparks of knowledge can reveal all the mysteries of existence. Those, who can strain one's psychic energy in the rhythm of the spatial energies, will accept treasures into consciousness. Thus the spatial thought becomes the Voice of Silence for such people. A scientist calls it the intuition, a poet calls it the inspiration, an anchorite calls it the illumination.
Concealed manifestations of Cosmos shine to the eye of the searching one. The one, who managed to tune oneself to the cosmic note, could listen to the Voice of Silence. Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of Cosmos. Only in the Nature one can contemplate the Infinity where everything is possible.
That is why throughout the history of humanity, anchorites, the Saint ones, devotees went away to the mountains, deserts woodsÅ
Amid the glimmer of stars they have been listening to the mysteries of the cosmic thought.
For many centuries keen people listened to the Voice of Silence. Thus they got to know many cosmic mysteries.
Some of them wrote down those mysteries in the sacred books, others passed them orally as a Revelation. The things heard from them were passed to people on the world language of symbols. Thus the legends were created.
Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos
The First Mystery Days and Nights of Brahma
If you like to look at the starry sky,
If it attracts you with its harmony
And amazes you with its immensity.
It means that the living heart is beating in your chest.
It means that it will be able to respond.
To the sacred words about the life of Cosmos
Listen to what the legend says about the.
Infinity, Eternity and Rythmicity of
The Great Being of the Universe.
Since times immemorial people have looked at the starry sky reverentially, admiring the glimmer of innumerable worlds. Man was amazed by the grandeur of Cosmos since the very beginning of his presence on the Earth. Especially in solitude of the immense desert or amid the conglomeration of gigantic mountains man unintentionally plunges into the thoughts of immensibility of the Universe, infinity of the Cosmic space.
Human mind has been astonished by that Infinity. But also it could not imagine Cosmos being limited. Assuming the existence of the limit of space somewhere, another question arises immediately: what is beyond that limit? If it is not the space then what is it? Every time the human mind has to admit that Cosmos cannot have any limits. Cosmic space infinitely stretches on all sides.
Man's limited mind is not able to comprehend the infinity fully. Thus the cosmic Infinity stays as inconceivable, a fearful concept which makes the mind of a man dumb.
The thought of Infinity of Cosmos in space involuntarily evokes the thought of its Eternity in time. Thus the most ancient of the ancient questions arose: was there a beginning of the Universe sometime ago? Will there ever be an end of it some day? Or does all of that exist from Eternity? And will it stay the same forever?
The man agonizingly wanted to know something about that. He wanted to discover the mystery of the origin of the worlds, the mystery of cosmic eternity.
And people went away to the deserts and mountains. They became the anchorites, so nobody could prevent them from concentration over the questions of Being. And they were thinking and thinking. Cosmic mysteries started to reveal themselves before them. Strained, concentrated, constant thinking of those, who renounced the enjoyments of ordinary life for the sake of cognition of Cosmic mysteries, attracted the spatial thought They started to hear the Voice of Silence: "... there was the time when Nought was."
The hymns of Rig-Veda, one of the most ancient literary monuments, narrates about that time:
Nor Ought nor Nought existed; yon bright sky
Was not, nor heaven's broad roof outstretched above.
What covered all? What sheltered? What concealed?
Was it the water's fathomless abyss?
There was not death×yet there was nought immortal,
There was no confine betwixt day and night;
The only One breathed breathless by itself,
Other than It there nothing since has been.
Darkness there was, and all at first was veiled.
In gloom profound × an ocean without light
A fragment from a more ancient source tells us about the same thing:
Nought was. Darkness alone filled the boundless all. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration. Universal mind was not, for there were no beings to contain it. There was neither silence nor sound; for there were not ears to sense it. Nought was save ceaseless eternal breath, which knows itself not. Alone the one form of existence stretched boundless, infinite, causeless, in dreamless sleep; and life pulsated unconscious in universal space.
These two fragments of the most ancient imprinted thought speak about the same time when Cosmos did not exist yet, when "Nor Ought nor Nought existed". It means that time ago there was the beginning of the Universe. And if there was the beginning then the end must be too. Everything that is born must die. And if there was the time when there was no Cosmos, then the time will come when Cosmos will not be again.
Legends assert that Cosmos is born into being, exists for a definite limited period and then again dissolves into Non-existence.
In narration's of ancient India the period of existence of Cosmos is called the Age of Brahma or the Great Manvantara. This is a period which in our years requires fifteen figures to express it. And though Cosmos exists for a period of so unimaginably long time that it seems never-ending, nevertheless this time is limited. Our Universe is not eternal.
Ó'The Great Eternity of Non-existenceÔ, ÓMaha (Great) PralayaÔ, that is the world dissolution, lasts for the same period of time. Then Universe springs into new Cosmic life, new age of Brahma. Thus continues the interchange of great periods of Life and Death of Cosmos, with no beginning and end. The Universe is eternal in the alternating cycles of Being and Non-existence! It is periodical in unceasing manifestation and disappearance of the Worlds×it is eternal in a whole. The number of Manvantaras is infinite×there has never been a first Manvantara nor will there ever be a last Manvantara.
The Great Cosmos manifests to life and dissolves into non-existence quite in the same way as a human being, the microcosm, who is born and dies. The analogy is complete here and it applies further. As man experiences "small death'' falling asleep in the evening and awakening in the morning, there are also "the Nights'' of the Universe when all the living beings die. But the world does not disappear, it stays dormant. And in the "morning" everything returns to life again. This recurrence of periods of sleep and awakening in Cosmos can be compared with the change of winter and summer in nature.
In terminology of the ancient Hindu philosophy the period of Cosmic activity of the Universe, when Cosmos is "awake", when all the existing is living, is called the Day of Brahma or Small Manvantara. And the time when Cosmos is "asleep", when everything in the Universe is "resting" is called "the Night of Brahma" or Small Pralaya. It is said that the duration of the Day of Brahma is more than four milliards of years. The Night of Brahma lasts for the same period of time. 360 Days of Brahma and 360 Nights of Brahma constitute one year of Brahma. And hundred years of Brahma make the Age of Brahma already known to us. Such is the calculation of the cosmic calendar!
The alteration of activity and passivity in Cosmos is reflected in periodicity of all manifestations of Nature. One can discriminate Manvantaras and Pralayas in everything. From the smallest phenomena up to the change of the worlds one can see this majestic law. It operates in the beating of a heart, in the rhythm of breathing. Sleep and awakening, change of day and night as well as the phases of the Moon and season change are subject to that law as well.
Birth, life and death of all the living eternally repeats. Nature as well as the whole Cosmos manifests itself in the eternal change, eternal rhythm, Man and the Universe as a whole×everything in Cosmos has its periods of activity and rest, or life and death.
Amid the milky way of the stars birth and death of the worlds eternally follow each other in regular succession of the solemn procession of the Cosmic Law.
Thus narrates the legend of the First Mystery of Cosmos×the great cosmic rhythm of Being and Non-existence.
Beyond the Cosmos
You've cognized the mystery of the great Cosmic rhythm.
Now you know about the eternal change of the Universal Cycles.
You want to know more about that.
Precisely what fixes the duration of those periods?
What gives the impulse to the recurring births of Cosmos out?
Of Non-existence? Listen to what the legend will tell you about that.
In the ancient Hindu book "Vishnu-Purana" there is such a fragment:
"...there was neither day nor night, neither heaven nor earth, neither darkness nor light. There was nought except for One, unapprehensible by the mental faculties, or That, who is Parabrahman."
Let's also recall the fragments from the first legend that say about "The only One breathed breathless by itself and about "Ceaseless eternal breath, which knows itself not."
These fragments say that during Mahapralaya when all the existing dissolves into Non-existence, nevertheless something indissoluble continues to exist. This is the Great Cosmic Principle, Causeless Cause of Being. After Mahapralaya it will evoke new manifestation of the Universe. It reminds the process when the fire dies out or dissolves into Non-existence though there stays the "principle of fire". This principle makes possible the repeating manifestation of fire, provoking it out into being. This great Divine Principle or the Law is called "Parabrahman" in the legends: That which lies beyond Brahman or Cosmos.
This One and Infinite Principle exists from all eternity, and in regular and harmonious successions, is either passive or active. Upon inaugurating an active period an expansion of this Divine Principle occurs. And the visible universe is the ultimate result of the long chain of cosmical forces thus progressively set in motion. In like manner; when the passive condition is resumed, a contraction of the Divine Principle takes place, and the previous work of creation is gradually and progressively undone.
Another ancient book thus say s about the same thing: "An outbreathing of the 'unknown essence' produces the world, and an inhalation causes it to disappear. This process has been going on from all eternity, and our present universe is but one of an infinite series, which had no beginning and will have no end."
That majestic Cause of all the existing was taken as a principle of the Universe by the legends of antiquity. All ancient peoples worshipped that One Divine Principle under different names corresponding to each nation and country. This is how one of the hymns to the Absolute × Parabrahman × glorifies this great concept:
Thou art one, the beginning of all numbers, and the foundation of all edifices;
Thou art One and in the secret of Thy unity the wisest of men are lost, because they know it not.
Thou art one and Thy Unity is never diminished, never extended, and cannot be changed.
Thou art one but not as an element of numeration; for Thy Unity admits not of multiplication, change or form.
Thou art existent; but the understanding and vision of mortals cannot attain to Thy existence, nor determine for Thee the.
Where, the How and the Why.
Thou art existent, but in Thyself alone, there being none other that can exist with Thee.
Thou art existent, before all time and without place.
Thou art existent, and Thy existence is so profound and secret that none can penetrate and discover Thy secrecy.
Thou art living, but within no time that can be fixed or known;
Thou art living, but not by a spirit or a soul, for Thou art thyself, the Soul of all Souls!
In all legends and hymns it is pointed that an Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. Therefore it is considered that any reasoning about That is impossible. Thus Socrates invariably refused to argue upon the mystery of universal being.
The Absolute is the Infinity; therefore any judgements about That will inevitably be but a limitation of It. Grandeur and beauty of Infinity do not fit in our limited imagination or terms. They must stay in the limits of the Ineffable. The Cause of Cosmos stays the Greatest Mystery forever inconceivable. We can conceive but different aspects and manifestations of the Absolute, this eternally invisible Soul of Cosmos.
Through all the legends Parabrahman or the Absolute is pure philosophical concept×the principle, the law upon which Being and Non-existence of Cosmos are based.
But servants of religions personified that philosophical concept, having transformed it into the idea of "One God", "the Creator of earth and heaven." Through such belittling this great concept was reduced to god×the personality, to the "Lord of the Universe". And this personal god has a certain character: He gets angry, punishes, rewards. But he can be propitiated especially if certain sacrifices are made to his servants.... Yes, such a "god" is not known by the ancient legends.
Thus narrates the legend about the Second Mystery of Cosmos× Eternal and Immutable Principle of the Universe.
The Third Mystery
The Builder of the Universe
You already have a notion of Parabrahman. You know what gives an impulse to the beginning of each new Manvantara.
But how Cosmos is born after Mahapralaya?
Whether it arises all by itself without any outside assistance. Or somebody creates it, builds it? Listen to what the legends say about it.
...Cosmic night is ending. Eternal and Inviolable law which produces the interchange of great periods of Activity and Rest of the Universe, gives an impulse to awakening of Cosmos into life. The day of new Manvantara is breaking.
How does the Great generation of Life start? When the time came the First Cause of Cosmos arises out of the Unknown and Inconceivable Absolute×Parabrahman. Causeless Cause of Cosmos. That First Cause is the Divine Being called Logos. It first arises to being.
The word Logos is taken from the ancient Greek philosophy. It expresses the idea of the ancient legend: Logos is the first word resounding from the Silence. This first sound by which the whole Universe is created. This Vibration or motion of the Divine Energy is simultaneously the light, for Light is the motion of Matter. It means also the Divine Thought that imitates the longest process of creation of the Universe.
Then other Great Beings appear×those who completed their human evolution in last Manvantara on some planet in some solar system. Those Beings are the so called Planetary Spirits, the Creators of Worlds. With the beginning of new Manvantara these powerful spirits become the closest collaborators of the Cosmic Logos.
Thus, manifested Logos starts to lead the whole Hierarchy of conscious Divine Forces×spiritual, reasonable beings. In this hierarchy every Being has its distinct task in the ruling of the visible Cosmos during its existence.
The hierarchical Principle is a cosmic law. It is the leading principle in Cosmos because each Universe, World or Planet has its own Hierarch. There is always a Higher Spiritual Being taking upon himself the responsibility for a planet for the whole Manvantara. And he stays at the head of his high Brothers.
Before working over its Universe, Logos creates a project of the whole system of the Universe, the way it must be from the very beginning to its end. He creates it on the plan of the Divine Thought. He creates all "prototypes" of forces and forms, emotions and intuition. He determines how and through what stages each of those should be realized in the evolutionary scheme of His system. Thus before the origin of the Universe all its wholeness is contained in the Universal Mind of Logos. It exists in Him as an idea×everything that shapes into objective life during all the following process of construction. All these prototypes, being the fruits of the preceding worlds serve, as crops for the future world.
Among numerous Hierarchies of the Creative Forces subordinated to Logos there are great assemblies of Builders. They build all forms according to the ideas staying in the treasury of Logos×the Universal Mind. Thus, these builders build or rather rebuild even "system" after the "Night".
Logos is a "creator" of the Universe in the sense implied when one speaks of an "Architect" as the "Creator" of an edifice, whereas that Architect has never touched one stone of it, but while furnishing the plan, left all the manual labour for the masons.
Ancient cosmogonical narrations of the East say that after Pralaya the Universe is built very slowly, gradually, for many hundreds of millions of years. Crowds of reasonable beings, from the great Divine Architects to ordinary masons, are working over the creation of Cosmos. Who can calculate how many periods of time took the formation of our small Earth alone? Wouldn't that "creation" last for hundreds of millions of years for our planet only?
Thus narrates the legend of the Third Mystery of Cosmos×about the Great Hierarchy of the Creative Forces of the Universe.
The Fourth Mystery
The Creation of Cosmic Matter
You already know that with the dawn of Manvantara begins the creation of Cosmos.
You already know that the Universe is built upon the plan of Logos. You've even known something about the Hierarchy of Cosmic.
Builders And now listen to what the legend says about Cosmic Matter. The worlds are created of it.
With the dawn of new Manvantara starts the first stage of the activity of Logos and Hierarchy of Builders guided by Him. It is the creation of materials which then will be used for construction of the Universe.
Primary material or "raw" material for Cosmic Matter is the Pracosmic Substance×unmanifested virgin matter. In the Eastern legends it is called Mula-Prakriti which means the Root of Matter. Mula-Prakriti, being the aspect of Parabrahman, is eternal and exists also during Pralaya. This "dissolved" matter is the unimaginably subtle substance. All kinds of Cosmic Matter, from the most subtle one to the roughest, are created of that substance.
The legends distinguish seven states of Cosmic Matter×seven degrees of its subtlety.
As steam, water and ice are the three states of one and the same substance of our physical world there also exist seven states of Cosmic Spirit-Matter. Of them only the seventh state×the lowest and the roughest×is visible by the physical eye. This is the matter of our physical world. Six higher states are invisible and unattainable for our physical sensations.
Each of the seven gradations of Cosmic Matter consist of atoms, different for each gradation Atoms of the first, the most subtle state of the Spirit-Matter are created in such a way:
The energy of Logos (called Fohat in the legends) by vertical movement of the unimaginable speed "pierces the holes" within the Precosmic Substance. Those vortices covered by the subtlest envelope of the Precosmic Substance are the primeval Atoms Such atoms represent hollow s in the substance which are filled with the energy of Logos.
Each of the seven states of Cosmic Matter forms its own special Cosmic sphere, its own special plan or the world Innumerable myriads of the primeval atoms and their combinations form the Spirit-Matter of the highest or the first sphere, called "the Divine World".
Then Logos builds atoms of the next, second sphere around some atoms of the first sphere. He forms spiral vortices of the roughest combinations of matter of the same sphere, called "the Monadic World". Atoms of all the following states of the Spirit-Matter are created analogically to the atoms of the second sphere.
The legend says that these two highest Cosmic Spheres are unattainable for our understanding, therefore we know nothing about them. Something is known about the next two spheres, the third one is called "the World of the Spirit" or "the World of Nirvana" and the fourth one is called "the World of Bliss" of the World of Intuition".
Considerable more is known about the fifth and the sixth spheres, these are the spheres or plans attainable for man. The fifth sphere is called "the Fiery World" and also "the World of Thought" or "the World of Mind". And the sixth sphere is called "the Subtle World" or the "World of feelings, emotions, desires".
The names of these Worlds show that they are human. It will be told about them in other legends. The last sphere is our physical world where we live now. In cosmological legends it is called "the Dense World".
Each world is a sphere of the Spirit-Matter, all combinations of which have at their base certain atoms. These atoms are homogeneous units animated by Logos. They arc concealed under greater or smaller number of covers, depending on the sphere where they belong.
Those powers are concealed in the Spirit-Mattel of the physical world, as if they were wrapped in it The possibility of evolution roots in the internal powers All the process of evolution's nothing else but expansion of those powers.
Actually the idea of evolution can be expressed in one phrase the evolution is the thing w hen the concealed potentialities become active forces.
The word "Spirit-Matter" points that there is no such thing in the world as the "dead matter". All matter is living. The subtlest pieces of it are the lives. There is no spirit without the matter and there is no matter without the spirit. Both of them are joined together through all the life Matter is a form. And there is no form that wouldn't serve as an expression for life Spirit is the life and there is no life that wouldn't be limited by a form. Even Logos, the Supreme Lord of Life, manifests into the Universe, which served and still serves Him as a form. And the same thing repeats everywhere down to the smallest atom.
When atoms of each Cosmic sphere are built. Logos creates seven subdivisions (subplans) in each sphere. For that purpose atoms are drawn into groups of two, three, four, etc.
The first or the subtlest subdivision of each sphere consists of the simple atoms (the basic ones) while all the rest subdivisions consist of the combinations of those atoms. Thus, in the physical world the first subdivision consists of the simple atoms. The second one is formed by the simple combinations of those atoms, this is the electromagnetic state of the physical matter. The third subdivision is formed by more complex combinations of atoms this is light state of matter or the ether. The fourth subdivision consists of more complex combinations. This is the thermal state of matter or "the fire" The fifth subdivision consists of the combinations of greater complexity. They are considered by the chemists as gaseous atoms of the chemical elements that have certain names in this subdivision. This is the gaseous state of matter, or "the air". The sixth subdivision is the liquid state of matter or "water". And the seventh subdivision consists of solid substances×"the ground".
Life or consciousness of Logos manifests as a kind of energy or vibration. Everything is based upon the vibrations The Universe consists of vibrations of the emanating Divine Life. They clothe in the basic forms of matter and all the multiformity develops from those forms.
Matter that forms the objective world is the emanation of Logos power and energy of matter are the currents of His Life. He is in even atom Logos penetrates everything, contains and develops even thing. He is the Source and the End of the Universe its cause and purpose. He is in everything and everything is in Him. Thus narrates the legend of the Fourth Mystery of Cosmos×about the construction of the seven spheres of Cosmic Matter.
The Fifth Mystery
The Birth of the Planets
You know about the builders of Cosmos,
You know about the materials, the Cosmos is built of.
Probably you will want to know how the solar systems are created.
So listen to the ancient narration.
As in Heaven, so on Earth One foundation of Being verily permeates all existence Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity and the creation of worlds Who then will doubt that in even earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same.
Such will is comprehensible But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm If we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system the Grandeur of the Ineffable.
Every housewife understands the generation of the heavenly bodies. Churning the butter the housewife has already cognized the mystery of worlds. But before beginning her churning the housewife thinks about it. She also knows that churning the water she will not get butter She will say that one can chum egg or butter, by that she already knows about the matter, containing life energy Thus the housewife knows how useful is the spiral movement.
Thus only from a combination of thought and churning is the useful matter produced Subsequently cheese may be produced, already with the embryos of a population Let us not smile at such a microcosm, the same energy evolves also the systems of Worlds. It is necessary only steadfastly to realise the significance of thought, the significance of great energy. Thus the same energy glows in the heart of each man.
On the analogy of churning from milk a morsel of butter the Cosmogony is cognized Thought×the energy of Logos×pierces the radiant substance and by rotatory movement he creates the centres of Forces with Cosmic matter growing around them. Thus the primeval differentiation of matter is appearing in clusters and lumps, like curds in thin milk. Thus Logos creates worlds. Thus the churning of the Cosmic Milky Ocean is going on. The worlds are created of the "Star-Stuff' which curdles and spreads by the milky-white clusters in the depths of Space.
The energy of Logos gives to the vortexed Cosmic Matter the impulse to the form, and the initial motion, regulated and sustained by the never-resting Dhyan-Chohans. The "fiery Wind" of the incandescent cosmic dust which only follow s magnetically, as the iron filings follow the magnet, the directing thought of the "Creative Forces". Cosmic Matter goes through all the six stages of hardening, it becomes spheroidal and finishes its formation turning into balls.
Born in the unfathomable depths of Space, out of the homogeneous Element called the World-Soul, even nucleus of Cosmic matter, suddenly launched into being, begins life under the most hostile circumstances. Through a series of countless ages, it has to conquer for itself a place in the infinitudes. It rotates round and round, between denser and already fixed bodies, moving by jerks, and pulling towards some given points or center that attracts it, trying to avoid, like a ship drawn into a channel dotted with reefs and sunken rocks, other bodies that draw and repel it in turn; many perish, their mass disintegrating through stronger masses, and. when born within a system, chiefly within the insatiable stomachs of various Suns. Those which move slower and are propelled into an elliptic course are doomed to annihilation sooner or later. Others moving in parabolic curves generally escape destruction, owing to their velocity.
Having achieved its goal×a suitable place in the space×a Comet loses its velocity, and hence its fiery tail. Here the "Fiery Dragon" settles down into quiet and steady life as a regular respectable citizen of the sidereal family. Thus the clusters (World Stuff) become Comets, the strangers, at first; then those ones become the stars; the stars (the centres of rotation) become suns in order to cool down to the degree of the inhabited worlds×the planets.
The idea of Darwinian-like evolution, of struggle for life and supremacy, and of the "survival of the fittest" belongs to antiquity. The incessant battles fought between stars and constellations, between Moon and planets; the great "Wars in Heavens" in the Puranas; the wars of the Titans, in Hesiod and even those in the Scandinavian legends, all relate to Heaven and several to astronomical and theogonical struggles; to the adjustment orbs. The "Struggle for Existence'' and the "Survival of the Fittest" reigned supreme from the moment that Cosmos manifested into being. The ancient Sages speculated on the creation and development of the world quite in a Darwinian way, both anticipating him and his school in the natural selection of species, the survival of the fittest and transformation.
And as the ancient legends say it did not do without the struggle in our Solar system. There is a whole poem on the pregenetic battles fought by the growing planets before the final formation of Cosmos.
Here is one of such legends.
Eight sons were born from the body of Mother-Space. Eight houses were built by Mother for her Eight Divine sons; four large and four small ones, eight brilliant suns, according to their age and merits.
The Lord of Sun was not satisfied, though his house was the largest. He began to work as the huge elephants do. He breathed (drew in) into his stomach the vital airs of his brothers. He sought to devour them.
The larger four were far away: far, on the margin of their kingdom×the Planetary System They w ere not robbed (affected), and laughed. Do your worst. Sir, you cannot reach us, they said. But the small one wept. What could affect Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter but little, would have killed such comparatively small "Houses" as Mercury, Venus and Mars. They complained to the Mother.
She exiled the Sun to the centre other Kingdom, from w hence he could not move. Since then he only watches and threatens. He pursues them, turning slowly around himself, the Planets turning swiftly from him, and he following from afar the direction in which his brothers move on the path that encircles their houses.
According to the legend the first condensation of Cosmic matter took place about a central nucleus, its parent Sun×the Father. But our sun merely detached itself earlier than all the others, as the rotating mass contracted, and is therefore, their elder, bigger brother, not their father. Sun and the Planets are brothers who have the same nebulic origin.
Having evolved from Cosmic Space, and before the final formation of the primaries and the annihilation of the planetary nebula, the Sun drew into the depths of its mass all the Cosmic Vitality he could, threatening to engulf his weaker "brothers".
According to the legends, all worlds and planets are the individual beings. They must fulfil their duties. They have their periods of health and illness, birth and maturity, decline and death. They are the real dense houses of the Planetary Spirits who animate them with the Mind. Each heavenly body is a temple of one of the Divine Beings. Each star is a sacred Abode. They are called "the Heavenly Snails", on account of their formless intelligence inhabiting unseen their starry and planetary-homes, and, so to speak, carrying them as the snails do along with themselves in their revolution.
Thus narrates the ancient legend about the Fifth Mystery of Cosmos×the creation of the Solar system.
The Sixth Mystery
Cosmic Steps. Origin of Our Planet
You already know how the materials for Worlds construction are created.
You have found out how those Worlds are provoked out into Being.
Now let's take a look under the cover, concealing the mystery of life on those Worlds.
The process of creating of the Cosmic Matter is going on for innumerate centuries.
The process of creation of the Cosmic Matter goes on for infinite centuries. When the evolution of the materials is sufficiently advanced, the second great Cosmic wave starts to emanate from Logos. That wave gives an impulse to the evolution of Life.
What is life? It is the energy of Logos which builds forms for its own manifestation. It builds them of matter of all the seven spheres. This is the power which for some time joins chemical elements, forming the living organisms of them. These forms are built of various combinations of earlier created Cosmic Matter. Innumerable crowds of Beings, called the Builders, are participating in construction of those forms. The so called spirits of nature also take part in that process.
Each form exists only for a period until life of Logos keeps matter in this form. Now for the first time arise the phenomena of birth, growth, fading and death. The organism is born because life of Logos has a goal to make certain evolutionary work in it. It grows as the work is getting to its completion. It shows the signs of fading when Logos slowly extracts Life out of it. For Life has grown as much as it was possible is a given organism. The last one dies when Logos extracts all the Life out of it.
What seems the death of the organism to us is the extraction of Life out of it. For some time that Life will be existing beyond lower matter in combination with the superphysical subtler matter. When Life leaves the organism and it dies, the experience, obtained by Life and by means of the organism, stays. That experience in form of new skills is cast into new creative abilities. Those abilities will show up under following efforts of Life to create a new organism.
Though the plant dies, the Life, which has animated that plant and induced it to react upon the influence of the environment, does not die. When a rose fades we know that none of its matter will disappear. Each particle continues to exist. For matter cannot be destroyed. The same thing happens with the Life, which creates the rose out of the chemical elements. The Life temporarily steps back in order to appear again and build another rose. The experience that the Life has obtained relative to the sun rays, storms and struggle for existence in the first rose is used by it for building another rose. The new rose will be better fitted for life and for spread of its species.
There is no such thing called the death in nature, if death is understood as dissolution into non-existence. Life with draws into its superphysical environment for a while, preserving the results of the experience it has gone through in form of new creative abilities.
Forms that arise and die one after another are like doors. Through those doors the Life can appear and disappear from the scene of evolution. No part of the experience is lost as well as no particle of matter is lost. Moreover that Life evolves and its evolution is going on by means of forms. Life is subject to evolution. It means that it gradually becomes more complex in its manifestations.
As developing the Life goes through different steps. It forms successively seven kingdoms of nature: at first there are three elemental kingdoms, then goes the mineral, vegetable- animal and finally human kingdoms. These seven stages of evolution of the Life, starting from the first elemental kingdom up to the humanity, are called "the Living Wave". Thus Life exists not only in human, animal and vegetable kingdoms but also in the mineral matter, which seems dead, as well as in the organisms of invisible matter. Those organisms can be lower than minerals and higher than the human being. Humanity is not the last step of evolution of the Life. Its development goes further.
In the Fiery and Subtle Worlds the first steps of Life of Logos are called the Elemental Essence. For a long period of time, called the Chain, it manifests in the higher subplans of the Fiery World first of all. And it is called the First Elemental Essence. When it comes to the end of a Chain this Elemental Essence returns to its source×Logos. At the beginning of the new Chain the First Elemental Essence issues from Logos for animating the matter of the lowest subplans of the Fiery World. And then it begins the work of the Second Chain preserving in itself the experience of the first Chain in form of inclinations and abilities. In the next Chain it becomes the Third Elemental Essence. And it animates the matter of the Subtle World.
The combinations of Matter of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds have a goal×to evoke the plasticity and the ability to clothe into the organized form in Matter of those Worlds. They need it in order to act as units and gradually develop greater stability in the materials forming into certain organisms. The Elemental Essence is cast in various forms, the existence of which will last for some time. After that they split on the component parts.
Continuing "to descend into matter" the Life of Logos, which has been animating the subtle matter, after that animates the dense (physical) matter. The first action of that new animation is the ability of the chemical elements to join differently with each other. During the first great cosmic wave hydrogen and oxygen were created by the action of Logos. But only with appearance of the second Cosmic Wave can two atoms of hydrogen join with one atom of oxygen in order to form water.
Under the guidance of Logos the mineral kingdom appears ready to build dense earth. Having reached the physical world the poured-out Life of Logos starts to draw the ethereal particles and join them into the ethereal waves.
The constructions of denser materials enter into these forms. They serve as a basis for the first minerals. Following the laws of the rhythm and beauty the matter begins to crystallize with mathematical precision. The work of Life is going by means of physical forms according to the Great Plan. Logos is working all the time in that matter which seems immovable. The work of Life is going on in minerals though it is strained, squeezed and reserved. The first kingdoms of Life×three steps of the Elemental Essence manifesting in the Fiery and Subtle Worlds×are the involution of Life. It descends from subtler spheres of the Spirit-Matter to the denser ones. Mineral kingdom is the lowest turning step. Here the Life manifests minimally; it is almost invisible here. From this step begins the evolution of Life in the precise sense of this word.
The Life of Logos, after its deepest immersion into matter of the mineral kingdom, ascends to the next great kingdom of Life×the vegetable kingdom. At the beginning of this stage Earthly substances develop new ability for Life that our eyes can see. The chemical elements join into the groups. Amongst them appears the new step of Life, which builds protoplasm out of them. Under the guidance of Logos the protoplasm transforms and gradually becomes the vegetable kingdom.
When some of the representatives of the mineral kingdom reach the sufficient stability of forms, the developing Life starts to produce greater plasticity of forms in the vegetable kingdom. It joins this new feature of plasticity with earlier obtained stability. Both of these features receive more harmonious manifestation in the animal kingdom and reach their highest point of balance, that is, the harmony of the human being.
The Moon is the Mother of the Earth
Before entering our planet our living wave was the life of the preceding Moon that was in evolution for innumerable centuries. But on the Moon the living wave appeared one stage earlier than on Earth. It means that earthly humanity was the animal kingdom on the Moon. Our present animal kingdom of earthly evolution was the vegetable kingdom on the Moon. In the same way all the rest kingdoms of Moon were one step behind in evolution than those of earthly evolution.
How did that passage of the living wave from the Moon to Earth happen? When the Moon completed its living period, when all steps of cosmic life on the Moon reached their highest point of development and were ready to pass on the higher step to the other planet, a new center of planetary life was created. That was the center of the future planet Earth. Around that center the Fiery World of the new planet started to develop through transfer from the Moon. Then the Subtle World was passed to Earth. And finally all the ethereal, gaseous and liquid parts of the dense world of the Moon were transferred to the Earth. That is the way it all happened.
New nebula which originated the Earth was developing around the center which was located approximately at the same distance from the dying planet as the centres of Earth and the Moon are at the present time. But this accumulation of matter in the form of nebula had much greater volume than dense matter of the present Earth. It spread in all the directions so that it engulfed the old planet into its fiery arms. The temperature of the new nebula significantly exceeded the temperatures ever known to us. Because of that the surface of the old planet w armed to the degree that all the water and all the volatile substances were transformed into the gaseous state. In that state those substances were open to the influence of the new centre of gravity which formed at the centre of the new nebula. Thus, air and water of the old planet were drawn into the composition of a new planet.
That is why the Moon in its present state is the fruitless mass, void of air, clouds and water. uninhabited and not fitted for existence of any physical creatures.
Having passed all its life creating principles to the new planet the Moon became really a dead planet whose rotation has almost stopped since the origin of our planet. The Moon passed everything to the Earth except for its corpus.
The Moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body into which her living powers are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirised by her child, she revenges herself on it by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible. and poisoned influence which emanates from the secret side of her nature. For she is a dead yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpus are full of active and destructive life although the body which they had formed is soulless and lifeless. Therefore its emanations are at the same time beneficent and maleficence; this circumstance finds its parallel on earth in the fact that the grass and plants are nowhere more juicy and thriving than on the graves; while at the same time it is the graveyard or corpse emanation which kill.
Before Earth reaches the top of its evolution the decay of Moon's matter will be completed. That matter which keeps the Moon whole will turn to dust.
By that time the task of our planet will be fulfilled. And the present Earth will become a dead planet without developing life on it. It will decrease in scales because of loss of liquid and gases. Then a new planet will attract our Earth. And it will follow it as a Moon. Each kingdom of the developing life will rise on one step. Our present vegetable kingdom on the next planet will be its animal kingdom. Our animal kingdom will be new humanity. And our humanity will rise on the superhuman level.
There are other innumerable planets inhabited by conscious beings, both in our Solar System and beyond it. They also have dense physical plan, subtle and fiery spheres. The Subtle World of all planets is different from the Subtle World of our planet. There is no physical communication through interplanetary space between Earth and other planets as well as there is no communication between the Subtle Worlds of the planets. The same thing can be said about the Fiery Worlds.
Mercury and Venus have no satellite but they had "parents" just as the earth had Both are far older than the Earth.
The evolution of Venus is higher than that of the Earth for one step. One needs to consider that when there could not yet be any organic life on Venus as on Earth because of high temperature and pressure, however there are different kinds of non-physical evolution there. And they can make their work at the Subtle World of a planet.
Thanks to that fact that the evolution of Venus is one step ahead of the Earth the average humanity of Venus is getting closer to the level of Adepts of Earth in quality of Lords. Buddhas and other Leaders of evolution.
So the planet Earth is originated by the Moon. It is Moon's creation and incarnation. The Moon died having completed its living period. It entered its Pralaya. The planets are acting in the sky as a man on Earth. They generate off springs of their own kind. get old and die out. And only their spiritual principles are fixing in their off springs as the survivals of their own. The planet is a living being. For in Cosmos no atom is void of life or consciousness, or the spirit. In ancient legends one can find the comparison of Earth with a big animal. And that animal has its special life and correspondingly its consciousness or the manifestation of the spirit.
The law of birth, growth and destruction of all in Cosmos from the Sun down to the bug, creeping in grass, is one. There is the continuous move towards perfection with each new manifestation. But the Substance × Matterand Force × is one.